What Are Long Drive Golf Exercises - By Mike Pedersen
Released on = June 20, 2006, 2:02 am
Press Release Author = Online eGolf
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Long drive golf exercises can add up to 30 yards to your
drives in a very short amount of time. It's quite obvious to hit long golf drives
you need to have power. Power is the equivalent of both strength and flexibility
specific to your golf swing.
Press Release Body =
What Are Long Drive Golf Exercises - By Mike Pedersen
Long drive golf exercises can add up to 30 yards to your drives in a very short
amount of time. It's quite obvious to hit long golf drives you need to have power.
Power is the equivalent of both strength and flexibility specific to your golf
The key to implementing long drive golf exercises is to look at the main movement in
your golf swing.
What is it?
Is it a lateral movement (side-to-side)? Is it a vertical movement (up and down)?
I'll stop the "twenty questions" and cut to the chase.
It's a ROTATIONAL movement!
Golf is rotational! You make a backswing (rotate). And you make a downswing (rotate).
If this is the case.what strength and flexibility exercises should be done to
maximize your long drives?
You guessed it - ROTATIONAL exercises!
You don't need to go to a gym and sweat for 2 hours a day. You don't even need to
spend much on equipment. All you need is you, a couple of pieces of affordable golf
exercise equipment and a little creativity.
There are dozens and dozens of rotational strength and flexibility exercises you can
do right in your home or office that will reap HUGE dividends on the course. In my
350 page Ultimate Golf Fitness Manual, I have pages and pages of these strength and
stretching exercises for long drives.
I'm a firm believer in working the "total package" in regards to exercising all the
major golf muscles in your body. Every golfer is different, and has unique needs
(limitations) that should be addressed.
The major muscles involved with long drive golf exercises are the core muscles
(first-and-foremost), the hamstrings, glutes and lower back muscles.
The secondary (support) muscles for incorporating long drive golf exercises are the
shoulder rotators, forearms (wrists), upper back (lats), and the hip girdle. These
muscles are "icing-on-the-cake" muscles in regards to hitting power golf drives
every time you step on the tee box.
This is not rocket-science, but you do need to make sure you are doing the correct
exercises that will give you the biggest return on your investment.
I hope you have a better, initial understanding of long drive golf exercises.
Contact Anthony Dowling for more information regarding golf exercises
Direct line: +44(0)208 972 1895
Email: anthony@online-egolf.com
Other helpful information regarding Golf exercise and instruction and can be found at:
For More Information Contact:
Anthony Dowling
Web Site = http://www.online-egolf.com
Contact Details = Anthony Dowling
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